Saturday 23 November 2013

Benefit Cosmetics ¦ 15 Hour primer ¦ Review

Meet today's product review, Benefit's 15 hour primer. I brought this a while ago and have been testing it for long enough to give you guys a review! 

So first of all lets look at the packaging isn't it so cute?! The polka dots are very girly and fun. I didn't know how I would feel about the glue stick style, yet I actually love it, it's fuss and mess free! A super quick to apply! Which also means as a mom's view that my 2 year old can't squeeze half the product out the tube! --woohoo.. tell me I'm not alone here momma's? 

The product is a light peach/flesh colour, but applies to the skin as transparent so is suitable for all skin tones. I guess some of you are wondering how you apply the primer, well once you have cleansed and moisturized your face, making sure all the products are soaked into your skin, so your skin is nice and dry! Simply twist the tube so the product comes out, and then rub straight onto your face before apply any foundation or base products you use. Once applied the primer feels quite tacky and sticky to your face. 

The idea of the primer is that it will cling or act as a "magnet" to your makeup! I found that it also made my skin appear smoother.. -- bonus! I have dry skin and It didn't appear to dry out my skin at all. I don't know about the "15 hour claim" I would say it does last very well, and foundation appears to stay put longer than when I don't use a primer.

The product costs £24.50 for a 15.5g net wt. 

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