Tuesday 24 December 2013

¦ Bioderma ¦ For Makeup Brushes

This blog comes not long after I did a review on my Bioderma  and I love the product, I've actually just repurchased it... which means i'm probably on about bottle 4?! religiously used product!

But now I have just fallen even more in love with this great amazing product!! Your probably all wondering how can Bioderma get better??

Well I have just found another use for the product... and it makes complete sense! It cleans my face so well, why wouldn't it clean my makeup brushes too?

And it truly does, I left my makeup brushes in some diluted Bioderma (mixed with warm water) before washing them. (I think I left them over night -although not pregnant I seem to be suffering terrible baby brain i'm putting down to the terrible twos!). When I next came to them, they were basically totally clean!! So I just continued with the Johnsons Baby shampoo and left to dry.

So for any makeup artist on the go, I can see even more reason to have this amazing must have product in your kit!

Well that is my pleasantly short and slightly over excited blog for today!! Let me know if you have any uses for your Bioderma products!

Here's how I clean my brushes, Hopefully I'll do an up to date one in the new year!

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