Tuesday 6 May 2014

George ¦ Asda Makeup ¦ Bronzer Duo #1 Blondes

Today's blog I'm quite excited about, it's become a go to product for me the last few months. That product is the George Bronzer duo. George is a brand by the Asda supermarket. Now I know what is initially going through yours head... Cheap and nasty, but I am going to stop you right their!

I really liked this Bronzer, It has a lighter side which is a highlighter and the other is the darker Bronzer. I have not tried the highlighter in the pack as the whole product does have a gold shimmer. I will say its the shimmer that is the only thing I dislike about the product and it is slightly noticeable. And the Highlighter seems a little to peachy for a highlight, when I think of a highlighter I think of something white with nice light reflecting flecks.

I picked up the shade number 1 blonde, as I thought the darker number 2 brunette looked too dark for my skin tone as I am rather fair skinned.

It is a very buildable product, but I always start with very little product and build up as it can look slightly orange if applied heavy handed.

Over all I would repurchase this product and with it only retailing at £4.00 it is extremely affordable!

Have you tried this product if so comment below and tell me your thoughts, and let me know any Bronzer recommendations you have!

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