Sunday 5 January 2014

Dove Refresh+Care ¦ Dry Shampoo ¦ Review

I heard about the Dove hair therapy refresh+Care, Dry shampoo a little while ago now, and decided I would give it ago. I have never really fully got the hang of these dry shampoo's but I think I have finally got it!

I actually really like the packaging of this product, It's girly, simple and I think i'd say its quite classy?? If a Dry shampoo bottle can look classy?

The product is just like an antiperspirant, which you spray at the roots to give volume and lift to revive your hair in between washes. On the back are 3 easy to follow steps, for people like me who just haven't got the hang of the whole dry shampoo thing. However I now think some of that could have been down to the products I have used previously too. 

The fragrance isn't amazing. It does smell like your average Dove antiperspirant. The product does feel lighter than a couple of other products I have tried, so it didn't need a lot of working in at the roots and didn't leave visible signs that I had used something to help save my hair from another wash for another day! 

I also found using this product all through my hair, tips and mid length helped keep my style in longer and give all over an extra boost and "ooomph!" Which is great as having thick hair does mean any curls tend to fall out pretty quickly for me!

At only £4.59 it doesn't exactly break the bank either! So its a win win for me! I know what I'll be looking for to keep those beach waves in place for the Summer that will be on its way -- At some point here in the UK.

this is not a sponsored blog, all products are purchased with my own money. 
All opinions are my own.
Thank you. 
Lady Sara. 

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