Friday 20 January 2012

Hello 2012


So i bet there's millions of people who have made some new years resolutions right? Well normally i'm rubbish at sticking to them but this year, this year i plan to stick to it! 

My main concern for this year is to get back in shape, having a baby isn't easy especially when you still have all that baby bump left behind after the baby is born, it doesn't just disappear y'know. Lol. So to help me do that is my sister, Tarnia she is super slim and I am determined to be the same soon enough!! 

I'd also like to buy a house this year for our son Tyler to grow up in, hopefully this will happen as at the moment we rent. I don't have a problem renting it's just nice to have the thought that it could be our house and i don't feel like that at the moment. But to afford a house we need to save, save, save!! 

So what are your resolutions? :) 



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