Friday 20 January 2012

Blast from the Past

Today has been quite a boring day really, all i did was.. clean, clean, clean! Christmas sure is great fun but i don't think much of all the mess it makes haha. Sad to see the decorations go into hibernation for another 11 months of the year but it'll soon fly by. So to my surprise during my mid spring clean, I heard  a knock on the door and it was my lovely sister Tarnia, I was surprised to see her as I thought she had been in work but she got to finish early, lucky right?! Well, anyway she came baring gifts not of the cold, silver or bronze kind though haha, one for Tyler and one for me.. a gorgeous puppy toy for Tyler it's the cutest & for me she gave me a Sylvanian family. Major blast from the past as we used to collect these when we were younger. I can't believe I have one again, it's just a little baby boy in a rocking swing, gorgeous time to re-collect them. 

Old men may have train sets well i insist on collecting Sylvanian families :) 


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