Friday 20 January 2012

Its a miracle

Hello yummy mommy. 
This is the Tracey Anderson post pregnancy workout DVD. 

This DVD is amazing, totally works all your stomach muscles and you can really feel it. I don't normally use DVDs because they have never worked for me in the past, but since i had my son i have been really determined to try something. And this DVD is working wanders, i weighed 11stone before I started the DVD, after just half a week i am now 10and a half stone. A week later and I am down to 10stone. I do this workout out at least once a day, if i can I try fit it in twice a day. 

I also changed my diet, no point in working out if your still going to eat the same old junk. So this diet no longer includes pop, sweets or white bread but I've replaced all this with lots of chicken, brown bread and only allowing myself one chocolate bar a day. 

I'll keep you updated on further results and will also upload some pictures of myself for you to see the difference.


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