Monday 16 September 2013

Island Breeze ¦ Avon True Color ¦ Review

Recently I have become quite an Avon fanatic. And been purchasing a few things. I can happily say more than a few things have caught my eye! But I majored to re frame from buying almost everything I liked the look of!!

Today's review is on the "older" version of the true color eye quad that avon sell. They have recently re launched the true color quad, with more vibrant colors and in my opinion a better layout. I'm hoping to review this for you once this review goes up!!

I brought the Island Breeze eye quad, I fancied something different, and the darker shades scream autumn/fall to me!

The packaging it's self is quite big, but big is better for me as it means I can't loose it! It also has a really nice large mirror inside the quad, Which is really useful.

Here is the quad I purchased

I just love these shades, for the autumn that has suddenly hit us here in the UK like it's been here for a month!! 

Here are some swatches of the shades. 

I thought the pigmentation in the shades was really good, even in the 2 lighter shades. Colors are left top and bottom then right top and bottom. They all seem to have some shimmer to them, but I darker teal/emerald color looks the most matte with the least shimmer!

Overall I can not wait to use this palette for autumn, I've been feeling the need to transition from summer to fall.. so why not start with my eye makeup! Hopefully I can do a tutorial for your guys using this palette, raise your hands if you'd like to see one?! .... o wait that doesn't really work on here, well just comment down below then!! 

Hope you enjoy the blog, it's short and sweet, but to the point. I can not wait to review the new true color quad I have received! I love the layout even more!! 

Here's my video on my first Avon haul .. Watch to check out what other goodies I got!! 

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