Monday 23 September 2013

Organic Elements p.m. > a.m. Skin Feeder ¦ Review ¦

Hi everyone, Today's review is on my current night cream! It's not one I've heard of on the high street, I actually came across it at my local beauty salon Pure Beauty, Welshpool, UK.

The brand is Organic Elements, logo symbol Oe.

I couldn't actually find any other reviews online! So I may be the first!! 

The product is quite expensive, pricing at £40 I think. So it's one of the higher end products, which is why I am quite shocked to have never heard about it before. But I believe the product may be supplied to salons only, so that could be a reason. 

The cream it's self is quite thick, so you don't need a lot of the product at all! It's very hydrating but doesn't leave that sticky, over moisturized feeling on your face. It very much soaks into the skin immediately, but still leaves your skin feeling amazing and hydrated!

I have been using this product for quite a while!! The pot comes full with product! I think I've had this in my life since June and it still hardly looks like I have been using it! So I totally think the price is worth it. When I wake up in the morning my skin feels great, refreshed and "awake". I also Love applying this after I have used a facial peel. Overall I'm happy with this product! 

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