Monday 13 May 2013

St Tropez Self Tan Bronzing Mousse Review

It's that time of year, and even though I don't have a massive amount of "me" time as a busy mom to my gorgeous 18 month year old boy.. I do like to pamper myself so being as it should be Summer now -- not that Summer has come to the UK --, I have began Tanning again!! 

At the moment I am using the St Tropez Bronzing Mousse. First thing I should probably share with you guys is my tanning routine when I do tan! 

So I have a re good exfoliation on a Sunday, then moisturize any areas that are dry -- knees, elbows, ankles. I apply my tan and let it develop over night, the next day have a shower to show the best results, then again I try to re apply any tan mid week.

I do quite like this tan, it isn't by a long run as dark as the Nouvatan I tried out last year. click here to see the my review. It is much better quality then the Nouvatan, I can happily say now, and not as high maintenance due to the fact it isn't as dark it doesn't go patchy as quick. But I would like it better if it was slightly darker.

It is a little pricey, coming in at £30.69 for a 240ml bottle.. however GET IT NOW AT BOOTS with £5.00 off! So it is one of the higher end products, and I do think it is worth the money. 

The downside to this product is, that I find that it starts to look patchy and streaky if not immediately washed off after the recommended developing time. (4 hours at least) I normally put it on around bed time, but if not washed off the next day, patchy as I stated before. 

I also don't really like the smell, it doesn't overly offend me, however it does leave a typical fake tan scent! 

I would like to try some more tans, before definitely committing to this product and saying I LOVE it and would try nothing else. It doesn't give me the desired color I would like, So I almost feel like re applying it everyday! Perhaps I will try the darker mousse.

Over all I would rate the product


disclaimer: i am not paid at all for the link to the link I have shared with you guys, I done it for you guys to benefit. And all views are my own. 

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