Saturday 15 September 2012

Youtube: Make up collection

Hi everyone! I have done another youtube video, it's been on a short while but I've only just fixed my blog!!

Its a short video on my make up collection, I only have a small collection of make up so wanted to do a video while starting out on my adventures into the world of youtube so as I get more make up etc, I can share that with you guys!

Here is the link to my youtube channel, so go check it out, hoping to do a video on  my everyday make up look and I recently did some make up on my sister for her night out doing a "Britney Spears theme on the Circus" video. :) Hoping I can do a video on her outfit too for Halloween ideas the link to that blog with be posted on here shortly.... (which means I actually have to write the blog haa)  as promised the link for the make up look

I am not showing off in anyway with the brands etc that I use, I am not paid to show you those items and do not receive them free to review or try out. I pay for all the make up myself. All opinions are my own, I am not in anyway shape or form influenced as to what I say or write, they are my honest opinions.  

TWEET, EMAIL or COMMENT below with blog, video requests.

Sending Love and E - hugs


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