Friday 16 January 2015


I've finally done it!! I've finally subscribed to my first beauty box. I decided to go with the My Little Box.  I decided to sign up in December, therefore getting the Fleur De Force collaboration box!! Which I was so excited about as I have followed Fleur on Youtube for years!

As you open the box, is a beautifully presented bow, with a quotation card on the top. 
This months quotation card said
"Christmas isn't a season it's a feeling" Quoted by Edna Ferber. 
This quotation is just perfect, it's so true! 

Under the quotation card their is a magazine, which inside has an interview with Fleur, and some little DIY ideas. Which you use the tags, string and masking tape for. To give you idea's on wrapping. Unfortunately Christmas is passed so i'll have to wait till next year, but some of the tags, aren't quite as christmasy as I would have liked!! So they could also be used for birthdays. 

The masking tape included in the box. 

Then I found this lovely little present, inside was a gorgeous head band.

I think their were different colour's sent out, but i'm quite happy with the black.

The gold thread compliments the black so well.

Inside a gorgeous bag, that has "do all things with love written" you will find, cow shed body lotion, L'occitane face cream and My Little Box's own gorgeous red lipstick. 

Hope you enjoyed this post guys!! Check out my youtube video for a more indepth look at my thoughts on the Christmas box. 

Look out for monthly blog posts and videos on my channel of each box I receive.

Sara xo