Saturday 29 November 2014

Artistic Gloss Nail Polish ¦Review¦ Purebeauty Salon

Hi ladies sorry it's been so long since I've posted as most of you will be aware I've been busy with my second baby boy who was born on 17th of October 2014, and before that we had been moving house!! So it's been busy busy around here! To meet baby William and see how he's doing, look out for my new youtube video's coming up and blog posts over on my mommy blog.

Today I wanted to review the artistic gloss manicure I had about 2 months ago now!! How time flies when you have a baby! I had the manicure at a local Beauty Salon called Pure Beauty. You can find links to their website, Instagram and Twitter at the bottom of this blog.

I go to Pure beauty for the odd pamper, and beauty products. How I wish I had time to go every week! As per usual the service I received was amazing, lovely warm welcome along with the offer of a cup of tea or coffee and a well earned catch up with the girls! I had been in contact with Sarah, the salon manager and owner to ask her advice on the artistic gloss as I wanted something hard wearing that would hopefully stay looking good till my babies due date! A Pre-baby pamper. 

She did not fail and all she had told me was completely true! You can get so many people who would rather just sell you a product or treatment, rather than give you exactly what you after! 

On to the treatment! I chose to go for a lovely fall/autumnal colour Opting for this gorgeous navy blue colour, then to make myself feel that bit more glam I added the sparkly/glitter accent nail on my ring finger. 

A little information on Artistic Gloss:
lasts around 2-3 weeks.
uses an LED Lamp

The therapist went on ahead after the usual nail preparations, filing etc. Applying a base coat to the nail, we went on with the colour I had picked. With each thin coat that was applied I placed my hands under an LED lamp, we repeated this (if memory services me well) 3 times. so about 30 seconds. Then once finished a top coat was applied. As soon as the manicure was finished the gloss was dry.. As I went to get my purse of my bag, I thought of god the dreaded smudge is definitely about to happen! However the gloss really was completely dry! Which for me as a mom was perfect!

The polish lasted me a good 2 and a half weeks, before my first chip and that had only happened as I caught my nail causing it to crack slightly which in turn chipped my polish! However even after the small chip, the polish went on to last another week at least! Even then the only main noticeable issue for me was the growth from my nails. (being pregnant with nails that grow so quick)

I can honestly say I would definitely go back for another treatment! I did wonder if I could be happy with the same nail colour for weeks on end however I managed and I can say it was nice not having to spend my "free time" when the boys are in bed sorting out another colour to paint my nails then waiting for it to dry, to only end up smudging it due to the boys needing something! (a mom's worst nightmare the perfect manicure ruined before even getting out the house!)

If you've got endless amounts of Christmas parties this is definitely the perfect nail treatment to go for! Perfect looking nails for weeks without having to worry about chips? Hands up who's in?
The perfect shades for the Holidays plus you can even add some sparkle with the gorgeous glittery polishes! 

Have you had artistic gloss? What were your thoughts, comment below! 

Find Purebeauty online:
Instagram: Purebeautyloves 

Love Sara xoxo

Find me on the web: 
Instagram: SaraFrancesMiller 

DISCLAIMER: This blog is in no way sponsored, Purebeauty have not asked me to review this treatment. The have not paid or sponsored this blog. The treatment was paid for with my own money. All opinions are my own.