Friday 21 June 2013

XEN-TAN Moroccan tan - Review

About a month ago I purchased a new self tanner. I decided to go with a tan I was told about in the salon I go to, (Purebeauty Welshpool, Powys) called XEN-TAN, choosing the medium shade for a more noticeable  instant tan. If you have read my blog review on my St Tropez review you'll know the color wasn't quite dark enough, I may think about it as a top up for this tan if needed but at the moment, I haven't felt it needs topping up much at all!

So what does it say on the packaging? 

The bottle states it is a weekly self-tan 

deep instant color
collagen building peptides
quick dry
concentrated liquid-lotion
tropical scent

Do I agree with these statements?

I absolutely LOVE this tan, it's amazing, I got it for £24.00 which is basically £10 less than the St Tropez bronzing mouse, so that it's self is an amazing bonus!! And I definitely love it more than the St Tropez. 

It has a slight hint of self tanner but it almost has a hint of coconut ...  or maybe that's just me?! Either way the smell doesn't bother me at all. 

It's easy to apply and blend, as it is a lotion, which at first I was hesitant of but I actually love it. It dries amazingly fast, so you aren't stood airing out for ages or sticking to your furniture.

As I said before the bottle also states its a one week tan, and I have to say I agree, I dont feel the need to top this tan up at all in the week, which is a huge bonus for me being a stay at home mom, with little time on my hands!

Overall i'm going to rate this product.... drum roll please 


some of you are going to think 5/5 that's quite a big statement to make on a product, but I truly do LOVE this product its just amazing!! I have inserted some pre tan pictures and then after. I even like this tan 100% more than the Nouvatan I reviewed about a year ago.

Pre tan.. I have a slight hint of color here as this is 1 week from my previous tan

This is 12 hours after applying the tan, you do get great color 4 hours after however I forgot to get a picture. 

As you can see from the pictures the color is amazing (my camera and lighting isn't the best) but you could get away without even washing the tan off, and just have amazing color.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this blog. If you have tried out this tan then leave a comment with your thoughts down below :)

Love Sara xoxo