Tuesday 14 February 2012

V Day

A few things my fiance got for me for the day many LOVE and others dread and wait for it to pass quicker than Christmas eve would. 
So I got 2 cards one for us celebrating V Day for the first time as a mommy and daddy and I got....

I heart you choc's yummmm

and these gorgeous flowers that I wasn't expecting at all

which will follow by a meal together tonight and a dvd or game cuddled up on the sofa

What did your loved ones get you for V Day? 

Extra Love for an extra Loving day ...
Love Sara xox

Valentines Love

Valentines is here!! So your either VERY happy about tomorrow or your getting ready for a Bridget Jones marathon, with a box of Chocolates accompanied with Ben and Jerry's Ice cream??

Which are you? 

Don't let the Valentines blues get too you! So be happy and smile, their is always someone out their that loves you :-)

So I'm sending out some love to everyone today, for those that are with someone tomorrow or alone! Or with the girlies! Enjoy it!! 

Love Sara xoxo

Monday 13 February 2012

Revive your Style 2012

How I plan to revive my Style for 2012

One of my Christmas presents from my partner this year (2011), was a book I've been nagging him about for months.. it's called; Style by Lauren Conrad. It's my "got to" for quick tips and advice at the moment. More so now as for 2012 I have decided it's time to sort out my wardrobe! I have so much stuff like many other woman that we just dont wear!! 

I have also just had a baby, so I've taken it as a chance to re-invent myself :)

Lauren Conrad's book is brilliant, it goes through everything! Even make up. 
I go to it religiously at the moment, it is my bible!!!

So what is it that Lauren Recommends you just MUST have in your wardrobe?
In the book these are known as "Key pieces" things that I myself are making sure I have or need to start getting!

So LBD is most important.. Dont know what that stands for as your new to the girly world? In other words its Little Black Dress.

LBD can is one of those item's in your wardrobe that you can dress up or dress it down, depending on the occasion you plan to wear it for. It also great for wearing in any season! Black simple yet sophisticed is how I think of the colour. 

I certainly need to get a LBD.. just need to find the perfect one, so when I do, I'll be sure to let you guys know. 

More key pieces Jeans
Lauren has a section in the book, where she goes through finding the perfect pair of jeans, what to consider when shopping and the best ways to wear different styles. 
I have really found it useful as know I have a better idea of how to find a great pair of jeans, that will fit and hopefully last longer. As well as ways to wear them! 

Is their any better book after hearing a little about it?  

Collared shirts, now I dont see this as a huge "key piece" however for the working girl, like I am they are a total Must their smart and comfortable.Yet they can also be worn in a casual sense, un buttoned with a vest underneath, a large over sized shirt at the beach. I have a casual shirt that really is too big however it's light and perfect for a quick cover up when at the beach. 

The other items Lauren lists are; 
*white and black tops
*Black Heels
*Blazer and a coat

So what go to pieces am I trying to collect?
*Winter Coats
*Blazers I have one so far!!
*Over sized cardigans and sweaters 
*Boots!! I already have some heeled boots just want to flats
*Black heels - Already got :)
*A must in all wardrobes are black and white vest you can never have enough!

What are you going to try and collect? Comment below with all your new year buys! 

I shall keep you posted on things I bought for my revived style. 

Love Sara xoxo